Tag: HIPAA SEcurity Risk Assessment

Posted : January 29, 2018

Healthcare Business Priorities for 2018

As the month of January comes to an end I’m looking a...

Posted : February 5, 2017

Advancing Care Information

Advancing Care information is one of MACRA’s (Medicar...

Posted : February 4, 2017

Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (M...

Macra 2017 from Jose Ivan Delgado, Ph.D.    

Posted : December 24, 2016

MACRA and HIPAA Security Risk Assessment

A couple of days ago, I had a couple of team members as...

Posted : October 29, 2016

Healthcare Unplug – Oct 2016

Healthcare unplug oct from Jose Ivan Delgado, Ph.D.

Posted : October 29, 2016

Security Risk Assessments

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act...

Posted : September 5, 2016

HIPAA Security Risk Assessments Myths

In the last couple of years we had the opportunity to r...

Posted : August 1, 2016

HIPAA Security Risk Assessments (SRA)

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act...