Category: All

Posted : March 15, 2015

International Classification of Diseases, Version 10 (I...

There are a couple of key issues regarding ICD-10 that ...

Posted : February 20, 2015

Violence if the Workplace Seminar

Posted : January 28, 2015

Meaningful Use Audits

Meaningful use 2015 from Jose Delgado

Posted : January 27, 2015

Cybercrime and HIPAA; are you at risk?

This is quite interesting and potentially may raise mor...

Posted : December 26, 2014

Meaningful Use

We have heard that audits are increasing and while no o...

Posted : December 26, 2014

Resolutions for CY 2015

Lose weight. Review all existing contracts and compare ...

Posted : November 7, 2014

The Dangers of Technology

My intention is not to scare but to create awareness ab...

Posted : July 1, 2014

Supreme Court Rejects Contraceptive Mandate for Some Co...

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Affordable Care A...

Posted : June 22, 2014

HIPAA fines and audits

The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced that they w...

Posted : June 22, 2014

OIG Exclusion Changes

Recently the Health and Human Services Office of the In...

Posted : May 7, 2014

The Must Haves

Have you ever felt like the kid in the story yelling �...

Posted : April 22, 2014

HIPAA Security Risk Assessments

HIPAA security risk assessments from Jose Delgado